Hi Jason, 

I believe this is a bug in the Zelig package that is being fixed. Check to make sure that Zelig isn't being loaded during the R session and Amelia should work. Note that this has been fixed in the development version of Zelig, which you can install with the following code:

install.packages("Zelig", type="source", repos="http://iqss.github.com/") 

Hope that helps!


Matthew Blackwell
Assistant Professor of Political Science
University of Rochester
url: http://www.mattblackwell.org

On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 2:51 PM, Jason Sorens <jsorens@buffalo.edu> wrote:
Amelia no longer seems to be recording chain lengths in imputations correctly. I get the error "Error in 1:m : argument of length 0" after the command "summary(a.out)." Because of this error, I also can't write the imputation output to a file.

I'm running R 2.15.2 (latest version) and even uninstalled and reinstalled R and all packages and am still getting the problem. I get the problem whenever I run an imputation of any kind, even the simplest conceivable, like this:


on a file with two imputation variables.

Any insights appreciated!

Jason Sorens, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science
520 Park Hall (North Campus)
University at Buffalo, SUNY
Buffalo, NY 14260
(716) 645-8436

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