
In my study, I want to use the imputed database to perform a generalized method of moments, and I want to know does combining the datasets is a better option since you get more information, or we can simply retain one of the database imputed as Zelig function, which, in my opinion allows a simple linear regression.
Thank you so muchfor your kind help
Mouna kessentini
Ph, D Student
University of Tunisia& University Paris 8

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Today's Topics:

  1. question about combining datasets (Heidy Col?n-Lugo)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2015 12:04:43 -0600
From: Heidy Col?n-Lugo <heidycolon@gmail.com>
To: amelia@lists.gking.harvard.edu
Subject: [amelia] question about combining datasets
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I am having a hard time finding an example on how to combine the
imputed datasets from Amelia in Zelig. As a result, I'm using the 10th
imputed dataset as the one that I use to run my regression models (see
below). Is this ok? Or is combining the datasets a better option since you
get more information? And if so, what is the code to combine the datasets?

outa<-amelia(psub, m=10, noms=noms, ords=ords, idvars=idvars)
write.amelia(obj=outa, file.stem="outdata", extension=NULL, format="csv")
outdata10<-read.table("S:/.../Imp outdata/outdata10", header=T, sep=",",
na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=T)

I appreciate all of the help I can get.
Heidy Colon-Lugo
PhD Candidate
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End of Amelia Digest, Vol 152, Issue 1