Thanks for replying, Sir. For information, I use R version 3.2.2. There are some steps that I'm doing with Amelia II  package and  AmeliaView:

1) I have a data (.csv format, you can see production_index.csv) that contains 2 variable (Date and Production Index). There are 102 observations that consists of date data from January 2007 to June 2015 and the production index data for each month.
2) I make a simulation. I replace some data randomly with NA, so there are 88 data of production index and 14 NA data of production index (you can see production_index_with_miss.csv)
3) I open the Amelia View and then import production_index_with_miss.csv to the Amelia package. When I click "Impute!", the error log appear, and the message at the error log is "Amelia Error Code: 13 You cannot set all variables (or all but one) as ID variables".
4) So I change the date variable into a number from 1 to 102. I re-import production_index_with_miss.csv to the Amelia package and then click "Impute!". After that, there are 5 .csv data that contains the impute data.

Am I do right? Or there are something wrong with my steps? Thanks for your attention.

Kind regards,
Iqbal Hanif