Hi all,

I am wondering what is happening here: the program does not run but no error message is provided. Maybe I am making a very basic mistake but so far I have not clue.

Help and advice really appreciated,


> out <-amelia(imp.data,noms=c("poor.pooled","president","adm"),
+            m=1,ts="year",cs="party",polytime=2,intercs=TRUE,p2s=2)   

amelia starting
beginning prep functions
Variables used:  toelec switch coord1D with.exec.x rel1D pure.pres pure.auth pure.emp pure.liq pure.paid legisl eleant other.legis executive age success m.with.exec m.rel1D m.relideo inv other invoth cabshare maxp.pure p.pure N with.exec.y Npres totsn incab party.ideo pork noms.poor.pooled.2 noms.president.2 noms.adm.2 noms.adm.3 time.1 time.2 time.3 time.4 time.5 time.6 time.7 time.8 time.9 time.10 time.11 time.12 time.13 time.14 time.15 time.16 time.17 time.18 time.19 time.20 time.21 time.22 time.23 time.24 time.25 time.26 time.27 time.28 time.29 time.30 time.31 time.32 time.33 time.34 time.35 time.36 time.37 time.38 time.39 time.40 time.41 time.42 time.43 time.44 time.45 time.46 time.47 time.48 time.49 time.50 time.51 time.52 time.53 time.54 time.55 time.56 time.57 time.58 time.59 time.60 time.61 time.62 time.63 time.64 time.65 time.66 time.67 time.68 time.69 time.70 time.71 time.72 time.73 time.74 time.75 time.76 time.77
running bootstrap