Dear all,

I have installed AmeliaView, but it is presenting a bug. When I start it, a terminal screen appears and closes quickly. I tried to run as administrator, and it showed an error dialog, saying "Can not find script file C:\WINDOWS\System32\amelia.vbs." I tried to copy such file from AmeliaView's folder to the System32, and it returned another error message
"Script: C:\WINDOWS\System32\amelia.vbs
Line: 5
Char: 1
Error: File not found
Code: 800A0035
Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error"

Could someone help me to solve this?

Thanks in advance!


|MSc. Gustavo Simões Libardi - "Napister"
|Biólogo e Mestre em Ciências (Universidade de São Paulo/Brasil)
|CRBio: 72563/01-D