Hi Stuart, 

You can use the `transform()` function on Amelia to apply transformations (like factors) onto each imputed data set. You can always loop through the imputed data sets in the amelia output. If you have an output `a.out`, then the list of imputed data sets are in `a.out$imputations`. 

Hope that helps!


Matthew Blackwell
Associate Professor of Government
Harvard University

On Sat, Oct 10, 2020 at 12:08 AM <stuart.reece@bigpond.com> wrote:

Hi Amelia Users,


I was also wondering how one makes graphs from iterative Amelia datasets???


Or even changes a variable onto a factor across all datasets???


Or is this best done prior to running Amelia??


I mostly use ggplot2.


Thanks again,


Stuart Reece.