I would like to produce log-log plots from overimpute.  If I try adding a graphical parameter, log='y' I get an error

Error in plot.window(...) : Logarithmic axis must have positive limits

My data are all positive.  

Looking at the code for overimpute, there is a variable

  addedroom <- (max(uppers) - min(lowers)) * 0.1

which is then used as part of the ylim argument for the plot

  ylim = range(c(lowers - addedroom, uppers))

I think this is making the y-axis go slightly into negative territory so the log doesn't work.

Can anyone suggest a work around?

E: tony.ladson@moroka.com.au
M: 0408 440 028
A: P.O. Box 1245, Fitzroy North, Vic 3068
B: http://tonyladson.wordpress.com/