Hi Vali,

Thanks for pointing this bug out. We have pushed a fix to the development version (1.5-3) of Amelia. You can install the development version using the following command:

install.packages("Amelia", repos="http://r.iq.harvard.edu", type = "source")

Hope that helps. 


On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 5:39 PM, Vali Mara <vmara@ciesin.columbia.edu> wrote:

I'm trying to plot the observed and imputed values (with confidence interval) in a time series cross sectional dataset, using tscsPlot. The problem is that some of the observation in the Amelia output are missing, and these observations are displayed with NA. When trying to use tscsPlot to plot data for one particular country that has NA in the Amelia output, the missing data are not accounted for, and the values are displayed consecutively (without regard of the year).
Here is the code line, for one particular country:

tscsPlot(output,cs="AND",ts="Year", main = "Andorra", var="HDI", ylim=c(0,1))

I'm probably missing something. Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
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