I am trying to use Amelia for Gauss (so that I can take advantage of the functions not available in Amelia for Windows like rejection sampling).


I tried using the example in the Amelia document with the “wars” data and this is the error message I received. I did look through the amimput.src and did not see anything that could have led to the message.

Any suggestions on what the problem could be? Thanks.



(gauss) new;

(gauss) library amelia;

(gauss) _AMepri=3;

(gauss) dbuf = amelia("wars");




C:\GAUSSL\SRC\AMIMPUT.SRC(100) : error G0156 : '_DXPRINT' : Illegal redefinition of procedure




C:\GAUSSL\SRC\AMIMPUT.SRC(101) : error G0156 : '_DXASCHDR' : Illegal redefinition of procedure




C:\GAUSSL\SRC\AMIMPUT.SRC(102) : error G0156 : '_DXWKSHDR' : Illegal redefinition of procedure




Eric A. Akunda

Doctoral Student (Marketing)

Kenan-Flagler Business School

University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

CB # 3490 McColl

Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3490

Tel: 919-962-0783

Voice: 919-918-1222

Fax: 919-962-7186

Email: eric_akunda@unc.edu