Good afternoon,

I am student at the Rochester Institute of Technology and I am currently working with a time-series data set that I am trying to impute, however I get the following error:

Loading required package: Rcpp


## Amelia II: Multiple Imputation

## (Version 1.7.3, built: 2014-11-14)

## Copyright (C) 2005-2015 James Honaker, Gary King and Matthew Blackwell

## Refer to for more information


amelia starting

beginning prep functions

Variables used:  Volume Speed Delay Stops 

Error in colSums(sapply(priors[, 1, drop = FALSE], ">", blanks)) : 

  'x' must be an array of at least two dimensions

Calls: amelia ... amelia.default -> amelia.prep -> amsubset -> colSums

I am calling Amelia with the following command:

amelia(dfMat, m=5, ts=5, priors=priorsMat, bouds=boundsMat, p2s=2)

where dfMat is the data matrix of size 60000x5, where the fifth column is the time variable, priorsMat is the matrix of observational priors with 4 columns(I specify the mean and deviation for each data point). I've checked that dfMat and priorsMat have the correct dimensions and thus I am not sure what could be giving me this error.

I would be very grateful if somebody could give me any pointers as to what might be the issue.

Thank you very much.

Michal Kucer

Michal Kucer

Rochester Institute of Technology