I recently instally AmeliaView (as per the instructions on the home page) on two windows machines (win2k and winxp home) and am unable to open files into the program. I've tried all of the accepted formats for the app but have not been successful. I do not get an error, it just does nothing when I hit the load button. The command prompt displays the following when first starting Amelia:

"C:\Program Files\AmeliaView>ECHO MsgBox "Amelia cannot find R.  Please make sure
 R is installed" & vbNewLine & "and that you correctly specified its location in
 amelia.ini." 1>error.vbs

C:\Program Files\AmeliaView>ECHO CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScrip
t.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False 1>invisible.vbs

C:\Program Files\AmeliaView>FOR /F "tokens=1* delims==" %a IN ('findstr "RPath="
 amelia.ini') DO (SET Value=%b )

C:\Program Files\AmeliaView>(SET Value=C:\Program Files\R\R-2.4.0 )

C:\Program Files\AmeliaView>IF NOT EXIST "C:\Program Files\R\R-2.4.0\bin\Rcmd.ex
e" error.vbs

C:\Program Files\AmeliaView>ECHO @"C:\Program Files\R\R-2.4.0\\bin\\Rcmd.exe" BA
TCH run.r 1>frontend.bat

C:\Program Files\AmeliaView>ECHO library(Amelia) 1>run.r

C:\Program Files\AmeliaView>ECHO AmeliaView() 1>>run.r

C:\Program Files\AmeliaView>wscript.exe "invisible.vbs" "frontend.bat"
so it appears that, at least initially it can't find R but then it looks like it has been able to find it. On the win2k machine it loads R-Commander when Amelia starts, on the WinXP machine it doesn't. Is there a debug mode to search for errors? Also, is there a limitation in terms of what version of a given APP I save the file as? for instance, does saving an SPSS 14 datafile prevent it from being compatible? or STATA 9?

Any help is appreciated. R is version 2.4.0 and AmeliaVue is the version I downloaded from the website today.
Andrew Bedrous
Department of Sociology
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

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