I am a newcomer to the Amelia mailing list and to Amelia.

I have a very large dataset (obs = 4696) with 232 variables (45 of which I am marking as idvars to remove them from the imputation model).

I am receiving an error message related to my use of the "empri" argument:

Error in amelia.default(x = SENSE.3, m = 5, p2s = 2, idvars = c("X", "srvagain",  : 
  formal argument "empri" matched by multiple actual arguments

because I am a novice user of R, I am not sure where this may be coming from. The code I used was copied from the AmeliaView() option, then modified, so perhaps there are syntax artifacts left over from copying that auto-produced code that I need to change?

Thanks for any indications.

-Deryl H.
PhD student, Univ. of Texas at Austin

Full code:

a.out.time1 <- amelia(
       x = SENSE.3,
       m = 5,
       p2s = 2,
       idvars = c("X","srvagain", "termsenr", "newstudentid", "year", "psample", "twoyr", "return",
        "studage", "in.", "iweight", "newcollegeid", "location", "size",
         "AccredRegionID", "sense_y2009", "sense_y2010", "Enrollment",
         "ave_cls", "n_classes", "rate", "AGENEW_2", "AGENEW_3",
         "AGENEW_4", "AGENEW_5", "AGENEW_6", "AGENEW_7", "AGENEW_8",
         "AGENEW_9", "ENRLMENT_1", "ENRLMENT_2", "SEX_1", "SEX_2",
         "RACE_1", "RACE_2", "RACE_4", "RACE_5", "RACE_6", "RACE_7",
         "RACE_8", "earlycon_inst", "hiexpect_inst", "acadplan_inst",
         "collread_inst", "engaglrn_inst", "acsocsup_inst"),
       ts = NULL,
       cs = NULL,
       priors = pr.bmarks,
       lags = NULL, empri = 0, intercs = FALSE, leads = NULL,
       splinetime = NULL, logs = NULL, sqrts = NULL, lgstc = NULL,
       ords = c("courseno", "welcome", "wntsccd", "convtime", "aacontim",
         "aaselmaj", "acadgoal", "crsadv", "oscomm", "fainfo", "qualfa",
         "actintro", "resource", "gradepol", "syllabi", "facmeet",
         "cstafnam", "ostudnam", "facnam", "stunam", "ittakes", "acprprd",
         "askques", "prepdrft", "lateturn", "notturn", "supinstr",
         "notcompl", "pinclass", "prepoutc", "grpstudy", "nrgstudy",
         "useintmg", "mailfac", "facassn", "classrel", "feedback",
         "rcvgrds", "facidoc", "ocideas", "skipcl", "acadpuse", "carcuse",
         "jobpluse", "fftuse", "oltuse", "sklabuse", "fause", "comlbuse",
         "storguse", "trnfcras", "disvsuse", "lndstudy", "lndacawk",
         "lndsklls", "prepclas", "workpay", "hsgrade", "agenew", "degree",
         "q1", "q2", "q3", "q4", "q5", "q6", "q7", "q8", "q9", "q10",
         "q11", "q12", "dropno.new", "chgquotient"),
       noms = c("enter", "nohs", "thisc", "diffc", "myhs",
         "otherenr", "addrop", "onlorien", "oncorien",
         "csorien", "nworien", "unaorien", "tkptest", "notest", "needread",
         "needwrit", "needmath", "neednone", "reqclass", "timeappl",
         "edcpr", "edcpw", "edcpm", "enrleng", "acadplng", "acadpsat",
         "careerc", "carcsat", "jobplace", "jobplsat", "fftutor",
         "fftsat", "oltutor", "oltsat", "skillabs", "sklbsat", "faadvs",
         "faadvsat", "complab", "comlbsat", "stuorgs", "storgsat",
         "transfcr", "trcrasat", "disabsvs", "disvsat", "psouraca",
         "asnpers", "againcl", "mathallf", "mathsnyr", "recocoll",
         "diversit", "mothed", "fathed", "siblined", "childed", "spouced",
         "lguarded", "noned", "whitemin", "testdev", "whiteblk", "whitehis",
         "blkmin", "developm.bin", "regclass.new", "sex.new", "studage.new",
         "enrlment.new", "firstgen.new", "certprgm.new", "assocdeg.new",
         "tr4yr.new", "marrstat.new", "children.new", "engnat.new",
         "internat.new", "reqptest.new", "exptest.new", "enrlssdc.new",
         "enrlolc.new", "applied.new", "offered.new", "received.new"),
       bounds = NULL,
       max.resample = 100,
       tolerance = 1e-04,
       empri = 45)