Hi Mouna, 

When you specify ords = "X5", you are saying that X5 is an ordinal variable and so the imputation are constrained to only take values that are observed in the data. An alternative is to use the "bounds" argument to constrain the imputations to be within certain bounds. See Section 4.6.3 of the Amelia manual here:



Matthew Blackwell
Assistant Professor of Government
Harvard University
url: http://www.mattblackwell.org

On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 9:10 AM, mouna kessentini <kessentini_mouna@yahoo.fr> wrote:
Dear professors,

I am a Phd student at the University of Paris VIII and I am working on financial issue in a panel data. I've come to use the multiple imputation for my missing data and I've been very interested in your method.

Since I was working with R, I installed your Amelia II Package which has perfectly worked for my case. However, when I started to look closely to the values imputated I realised that the method has replaced the missing values with negative ones which in my case was non significant and non relevant. Beside the negative issue, I have some problem with variable ranging between 0 and 1. Indeed, I have a variable wich representes a percentage but when imputated, the missing values exceed the number 1 which is wierd.

Could you have the kindness to enlighten me of a possible solution to these two problems, knowing that by adding in the command ( ords ="X5", p2s = 0), the negative value  ​​disappear and the imputed data for X5 are numeric
a.out<- amelia(Mydata, m = 5, ts = "year", cs = "id", ords ="X5", p2s = 0).

This constraint (ords ="X5", p2s = 0) in the command is correct!! Thank you in advance for your answer.

Best regards
Mouna kessentini

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