Hello. I have an additional question on data transformation. I was thinking on first of all applying the EMB algorithm on my data and then - after having fulfilled all my missing values - I'd transform my data into ln (natural logarithm). However, I'm not sure anymore if this is the most consistent way to proceed because I read on "AMELIA II: A Program for Missing Data" (Honaker, King, and Blackwell; 2012) the following: "Any variable that will be in the analysis model should also be in the imputation model. THIS INCLUDES ANY TRANSFORMATIONS (...)." So, please could you advise me on which is the most consistent way to proceed: either (i) fulfill all missing values using EMB algorithm and only after that transform my data into ln; OR (ii) transform my data into ln and then subsequently use the EMB algorithm to fulfill all missing values? I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Many added thanks for your help. Michel