Hi Cem list,

I came across a problem when I tried to use the "miest" command to fit a regression model on the five imputed data sets generated by Amelia II because the variable "cem_weight" was not found in other four imputed data sets except the first one. 

I used the Amelia II to produce five imputed data sets and saved them as: imp1.dta, imp2.dta, imp3.dta, imp4.dta, imp5.dta in the same folder. I then opened imp1.dta and matched the data with "cem" command. After that, I used the "miest" command to do the regression. However, there was an error and it showed that "no; data in memory would be lost". I learned to use "miest" from the manual cem: Coarsened Exact Matching in Stata written by Blackwell et al. (2010). In the manual, on page 15, it says that "the cem_weights variable is added to each of the datasets". Except for imp1.dta, I did not find the variable "cem_weights" in other four imputed datasets. Many thanks for anyone who can help me solve this problem. I used Stata 12 in Windows Vista.  

The following are the commands I typed in Stata: 
. use "C:\Stata12\imp1.dta", clear
(Written by R.              )
. imb gender n3 black knowledge partyid ideology,tr(treated)
. cem gender n3(0 6.5 7.5 8.5) black knowledge(0 0.15 0.45 1.5) cem_partyid(#0) cem_id
> eo(#0), tr(treated) miname(imp) misets(5)
. miest imp reg supp treated wmedia [aweight=cem_weights]
no; data in memory would be lost
