Hi Andrew, 

Does CEM work if you remove the "if" statement? If so, you can probably get around this bug by dropping the missing treatment variables before performing the matching. 

Hope that helps!


Matthew Blackwell
Assistant Professor of Government
Harvard University
url: http://www.mattblackwell.org

On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 9:46 AM Spiegelman, Andrew <Andrew.Spiegelman@va.gov> wrote:

Dear CEM List,


I am attempting to run cem in Stata MP 14:

cem months (#15) if laac_none_base50p!=., treatment(laac_none_base50p) show


I get the following error:

              cemStata():  3301  subscript invalid

                 <istmt>:     -  function returned error




My data:

479,808 observations

months ranges from 1-156 and is a real number

laac_none_base50p is either 0 (n=1,140) or 1 (n=472,312)


Please help; I can’t find any support for this error.





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