You can certainly specify more than 2 treatments. The error you’re getting is because –imbalance- is set up to compare between only two treatment groups. As for the k2k error, I don’t get that error. However, I do find that k2k does not produce 1:1 matches when there are more than two treatments.


From: [] On Behalf Of Erik Cleven
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2015 3:59 PM
Subject: [cem] cem error message


I am attempting to run cem with an ordinal treatment variable that has four values. I get the following error message:


imbalance():  3258  <tmp>[1,1] found where void required
                 <istmt>:     -  function returned error


A previous reply to someone who also got this error message said to update cem because there was a bug with the imb function.


I updated and now recieve this message:


NOTE: Treatment has must have only 2 levels to compute distance and weights. In addition, k2k cannot be used.


Does this mean cem cannot be used with more than 2 treatments? Actually I have a continuous treatment but I recoded it to a variable with four levels. 






Erik Cleven, PhD

Assistant Professor

Department of Politics

Saint Anselm College

100 Saint Anselm Drive

Manchester, NH 03102-1310


Office Phone: (603) 222-4119

Cell phone: (603) 867-8732